Humanist & Heart-Based Leadership Executive Coach

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Biological Heart
June 2 - 3 minutes
Can you remember it? In the beginning, it was heart.
Did you know that the heart forms and starts beating before the brain begins to develop? Right after the spermatozoon and the ovum became one, cells started to multiply and you became a heart. The human heart develops on day 18 or 19 following fertilization. For the next 50 days, your formation took you on a journey across 1 billion years of evolution.
The Journey to the Heart
May 1 - 3 minutes
Others make us better. Have you ever observed that?
It is others who help us becoming a better version of ourselves. It is along this journey that I have better understood that we are only in a relationship with others, that nothing can be achieved individually or isolated from others. It is the others that make us better. The beauty of the destination is indeed in the human quality of the journey.

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