Since an early age, I have been searching for temporary answers to the big questions of human existence. I am fascinated by what makes us humans and how we can make sense of the world around us to make a positive impact.
I work on the basis of heart-based leadership principles, the ones that enable unleashing genuine human connection, unlocking possibilities and genius creativity in resonance with your values and soul purpose. I support “players” (coachees), teams, and organizations to consistently unfold their best selves & creative capabilities by means of tailor-made (playful & artistry-based) learning and development experiences.
My heart-based leadership creative coaching methodology is supported by expert practitioners’ work, contemporary academic and scientific research, and ancient cross-cultural indigenous and spiritual wisdom.
As a humanist, creative leadership specialist, and executive coach, I work, study, and research at the crossroads of leadership, human values, and creativity. I have more than 20 years of experience working in the creative industries for both global and local (mainstream and unconventional) organizations and projects. I hold a B.A. in Human Studies from the Open University of Catalunya, an E.M.B.A. from Berlin School of Creative Leadership – Steinbeis University, and an Executive Coaching certification from the University of California Berkeley Executive Education and the Berkeley Executive Coaching Institute.

Have you realized that we, human beings, always tend to forget? One moment I believe that I have understood it all, the next everything has gone away. It comes and it goes, I remember and I forget. I breathe in and I breathe out.
As a Humanist and Communicator, I am on a quest searching for “temporary answers” to the BIG questions of human existence: ¿How can I (we) build a better world? ¿How is it possible that human beings have not yet been able to build a peaceful society? ¿How is the world in which we live co-created? ¿What are our individual and collective roles in doing so?
My job, passion, and vocation are to unite the dots of information, knowledge, and wisdom to make sense of our individual and collective experiences. The more I study, learn and research the better I understand the underlying reasons behind it all. That is why I call them “temporary answers” because humble confidence guides my way. I do not know all the answers, but I am open to keep on learning as much as I trust in my abilities to continue forward with the purpose to deliver a positive outcome at every step. Experience has taught me that I will learn whatever is necessary along the way.
I have a dream, I envision a world where human values guide our behavior and decision-making. Where the ego does not dominate our relationships. Where we have learned to respect each and every one, including the planet. A world where we more often are able to find that sense of inner peace and, as a result, our life and society are a reflection of it. Mine is an open vision that includes in it as many other possible visions, so together we can consciously co-create our common life on planet Earth. That is my commitment, my driver, the reason why I write these lines.
What do I do with all the things I learn? I translate findings into experiences and tools for personal growth, talent development, positive company culture, and positive social impact. With the human factor at the center and artistry as a strategy, I explore and help others explore the uniqueness of our complex times in (simple yet) meaningful, and interactive ways.
One of my favorite jobs is to present these temporary answers to purpose-driven teams and organizations and also within the context of creativity and innovation events around the globe.

As Leadership Executive Coach, I help you (your team/organization) play at the top of your game, better understand issues & supporting you to develop and consistently enact the best version of yourself in alignment with your values for positive & sustainable impact.
Coaching is the art of unlocking the best self of the coachee (aka the player) by means of high-quality honest vulnerable conversations. Those conversations are based on curiosity-driven open-ended inquiring, creative tailor-made exercises, and experiential observations, that open the exploration of possibilities. The coach and the player work as partners to facilitate discovery and improve mental and emotional clarity as well as an enhanced understanding of the player’s interests. Together we unlock possibilities and potential.
My practice as a coach is structured on the foundations of Executive Performance Coaching (the “GROW Model” and the “Inner Game”) and the cross-cultural wisdom of indigenous cultures of the world (“The Four Fold-Way”) from the understanding of the theoretical and scientific frameworks of Positive Psychology and applied Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Specifically, my heart-based coaching methodology is supported by contemporary academic and scientific research and connected to the wisdom of ancient spiritual traditions.
I work on the base of heart-based leadership principles, the ones that enable unleashing genuine human connection & unlocking genius creativity in resonance with your soul purpose. I support you (the “player”) to consistently unfold your best self & creative capabilities by means of tailor-made (playful & artistry-based) exercises and strategies.
Coaching bridges the gap between potential and performance. It is not about receiving advice or mentoring from the coach, nor “friendship-like” unconditional support. It requires the player’s willingness and commitment to tap into her/his/their intrinsic ability to learn and discover new perspectives, explore fears and roadblocks, and embrace emotions (growth mindset). In trusting the process, even if sometimes messy, the coaching experience becomes a rewarding shared discovery journey toward the player’s desired goals.
As a coach, my mission is to guide you along your self-development leadership journey. My commitment is to do it in the way that best suits your needs, motivations, and aspirations so that you not only grow personally and professionally but also you can enjoy 101% of this unique exploration and discovery process.

How can I (we) build a better world? Since I can remember I have been looking for answers. An ongoing investigation made of a mixed cocktail of theory and practice. Understanding what it truly means to lead from the heart is my answer. It has taken me more than 40 years to make sense of the underlying reasons that drive and block us, humans, to play at our best. Throughout these years, to build my expertise, curiosity has been my fuel, self-discipline, and constancy my secret weapons. Profound and rigorous understanding is what allows me to be able to explain, teach, coach, and effectively support human development and inner growth.
Love is my answer to our complex uncertain times. From the understanding of our freedom of choice and our common humanity, anchored in our rational critical spirit. Love is what allows us to know each other and continue growing from a position of profound respect. Love is knowledge (Ferry et al., 2013). To lead from the heart is a moral position based on this understanding. I believe that continuously improving is the way and we can only do so in relationships with others. You can choose how to lead. I choose the heart. Because with it I will be able to grow and hopefully every day I will be better than I was yesterday. Here is where I find the meaning of life.
My studies and theoretical knowledge provide a deep, analytical, and critical background; my professional experience brings a hands-on vision and approach. When I look back to my personal and professional journey I recognize that better understanding what it means to lead from the heart, beyond assumptions and stereotypes, is and has been my lifelong motivational force. This is the reason I became a humanist and an executive coach.
Heart-based leadership is a determined practice that requires intention and commitment. Not a technique but a leadership philosophy, a paradigm that restores a holistic view of the human being, and of the leadership endeavor integrating the mind, the body, and the soul. It is about consciously and intentionally nurturing a high-quality energetic field from the self and towards others. Inside-outside leadership with a unique personal energetic signature. In practical teams, leading from the heart entails focusing and fueling the leader’s energy by means of intentionally acting from a genuine feeling of “love” and with a selfless attitude that chooses to (try to) generate a positive impact in the world and on others to support their growth while growing oneself. Ethics, emotions, biology, and spirituality are all simultaneously and interdependently involved.
I invite you to join me in this vital mission of building a better world by becoming the best human we can be. A better world is built every day in the here and now. What are we trying to accomplish? Why? How are we trying to accomplish it? In the selfless alignment of the what, the why and the how to positively impact the world is where the “heart” is found. That is what the heart-based leader knows and does.
We are all leaders. We are all creatives.

Marie Reig Florensa is my chosen name and a name that has chosen me. A Reminder of my true identity. Yes, saying my name, or hearing anyone saying it out loud, reminds me of where I come from and why I do what I do. It helps me stay focused and grounded. Allow me to clarify.
Although my “official passport” name is Maria, I like to be called Marie with “e” because it reminds me of my roots and the unconditional love of my family and friends.
I come from Lleida, a Catalan city that is known for its spoken “e” accent. People from other regions say we speak out everything with an “e”. It also reminds me of my cousin Maria, who was the first to encourage and support me to publicly speak to say what I actually believed was important to be said. You might not believe it but I was a very shy girl (and in fact, I still am). It also reminds me of my swimming coach, who affectionately called me “Marie LaForet” like the French singer: “Viens, viens, la,la,la,la,la,la,”. I never liked to compete, and I think he in fact recognized the artist in me. It reminds me of my friends who would mirror me with an affectionate loving touch when saying my name… Marie, Marie. Marie from Lleide.
Reig Florensa, my two surnames are my heritage. I am the daughter of a pedagogue (teacher, criminologist, and art historian) and an architect (philosopher, theologist, and art historian). In fact, I am the fourth generation of teachers (informal and formal ones) and builders (and entrepreneurs). Teachers and builders are on both sides of the family tree. Mixed and combined, I am a self-made entrepreneur like my grandfathers, a problem solver, and a teacher like my grandmothers. My great grandfathers were a builder, a baker, and two farmers, they took care of and nourished people. My great-grandmothers were unique women of their time: one was a teacher (extraordinary at her time!) and the others were women who made anything it needed to be done, learned what needed to be learned, and took responsibility to serve and protect the ones under her responsibility, everyday leaders. All that they were is in me, and I represent them moving forward.
Marie Reig Florensa is who I am…
Maria from Egyptian mr/mry: “love, beloved” Reig from Latin Rex / Regis: “queen” Florensa from Latin Flōrĕo / Flōrens / Florere: “flourishment, to blossom” is what my name actually means.
Marie stands for unconditional love and affection.
Reig stands for responsibility and leadership.
Florensa stands for nourishment and flourishment.
To take the responsibility for catalyzing human flourishing, helping people become the best humans they could be, contributing to fostering the power of our true humanness in society, in taking responsibility for continuously improving myself, that is what I do, that is my vision, my mission, and my purpose. The truth is, I am a troubadour of the heart. As Shakespeare said: “My crown is in my heart, not on my head”.

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Others make us better.
Have you ever observed that?
It is others who help us becoming a better version of ourselves. It is along this journey that I have better understood that we are only in a relationship with others, that nothing can be achieved individually or isolated from others.
Others make us better.
Have you ever observed that?
It is others who help us becoming a better version of ourselves. It is along this journey that I have better understood that we are only in a relationship with others, that nothing can be achieved individually or isolated from others. It is the others that make us better. The beauty of the destination is indeed in the human quality of the journey. A heart-based leadership practice not only can help us to build high-quality interpersonal relationships but also…